Monday, May 25, 2020

Leadership As A Leader - 1495 Words

There are many definitions of leadership. The Oxford dictionary defines leadership as â€Å"the action of leading a group of people or an organization.† Yet effective leadership is much more than that. A leader can be the CEO of an organization, or a high school student who leads his or her group to success behind the scenes. A leader might lead through official authority and power, yet just as often great leaders lead through inspiration, persuasion and personal connections. So what is leadership? One great definition is: â€Å"Leadership is the art of leading others to deliberately create a result that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.† (â€Å"What is Leadership and What Makes a Good Leader†?) So, what does it take to be a great leader? Years ago, the most accurate answer might have included â€Å"delegating wisely, setting crisp meeting agendas, and providing employees with great perks such as flex time.† (Simmons, 1) Today, in a more contemporary and organized, the rules of great leadership have changed. Today’s â€Å"recipe† to a great and successful leader includes the exceptional and powerful use of communication through words, actions, and body language, having the ability to convince and influence , having the ability to self direction and develop, having the vision to distinguish between the good and the bad, and lastly, embracing contrast and diversity. Communication can be your best and worst friend; use it wisely. Effective communication is the golden rule for successful leaders.Show MoreRelatedLeadership As A Leader : Leadership1645 Words   |  7 Pagesmuch about leadership through the semester. Each chapter I learned something new about leadership. In this paper I will reflect on what I’ve learned chapter by chapter and how what I’ve learned has shaped my style of leadership. Being a leader: I never thought much about leadership prior to this class. I knew what leaders were in the sense of that they were the people in charge. That’s all I knew about leadership; leaders were people in charge. While that’s not necessarily untrue - leaders are peopleRead MoreLeaders, Leadership, And Leadership900 Words   |  4 PagesTo Be a Leader Leadership is something that can come naturally to some, but challenging to others. Some struggle to find their voice, while others are heard too much. In a busy world like today, it is easy to spot leaders and their â€Å"followers†. But this is especially challenging for our younger generation due to many things. But all young leaders and leaders in general, possess similar traits that make them the leaders that they are. In my short essay, I will go over the commitments and traits ofRead MoreLeadership As A Leader?1348 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The term leader and the concept of leadership are used in virtually every aspect of human life. We are captivated by leaders and leadership to the point of obsession. Consider our fascination with business leaders such as Warren Buffet, Sir Richard Branson or Steve Jobs. Do a Google search for movies on Steve Jobs and the results will include several documentaries and feature films over a twenty year period. Our lives are filled with guidance, suggestions and direction from leaders such as DeepakRead MoreLeaders and Leaderships1577 Words   |  7 PagesLeaders and Leadership An Analysis of Kevin Rollins and his Leadership Style             MBA 517 –T Outcomes This paper will discuss some elements on what makes an effective leader and how their leadership style can transform a company. This paper will specifically discuss the leadership style of Kevin Rollins, who was the chief executive officer of the computer giantRead MoreLeadership Definitions Of Leadership As A Leader1224 Words   |  5 Pageslife, someone is required to become a leader; many organisations and specific situations require a leader (Northouse, 2014). No matter the profile of the individual, there are demands placed on the individual which require them to deal with many responsibilities and duties which can be both challenging and rewarding at the same time but this depends on how well the individual handles themselves in these situations. The important question is; â€Å"what is leadership?†. Many people question what this termRead MoreLeadership As A Leader And A Strong Leader1181 Words   |  5 Pagesprincipals in twenty plus years who I would consider leaders. In my first paper, I characterized a principal as a strong leader, role model, manager. I would now have to add community leader, effective communicator and change strong leader to a strong visionary leader. As I stated in my initial paper a principal has to be a strong leader. However, now I feel that a principal has to be a strong visionary leader. According to Elena Aguilar, a visionary leader is â€Å"clear about what he/she believes and knowsRead MoreLeadership As A Leader And Good Leadership1292 Words   |  6 Pagesorganizations we are incorporated to there are leaders whether at the top most level or the junior levels. The prime purpose of their existence is to offer guidance and control over certain things. However, it has been argued that not everyone can become a leader. This is because there are certain traits believed to be existent in someone that makes them qualify for the leadership post. Some have however disagreed with this concept saying that anyone suits to become a leader if though they are given the platformRead MoreLeadership As A Leader Of A Country1059 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership is a concept that many probably think is a clear-cut subject that is well u nderstood and extremely recognizable. Many would picture an all-powerful individual in a leadership postion, such as a chief execuative officer (CEO) of a company or a leader of a country. These individuals, most people would identify as obvious examples of people who have qualties, skills, or traits that have set themsleves apart from â€Å"the common man† and propelled them into the positions they now hold. It wouldRead MoreLeadership As A Good Leader854 Words   |  4 Pages1. Introduction There are always chances and possibilities to become a good leader regardless the odds against you, gender, age, race, education, previous experience, etc. This paper defines what leadership is and it explains the relationship between leadership and influence. It also highlights the importance of finding opportunities to develop skills and creating strong to become a good leader. It is also emphasized the power of influence that comes from motivating your team, to improve performanceRead MoreLeadership As A Good Leader946 Words   |  4 Pages1. Leadership is the ability to create an environment in which people want to put their best efforts forward. Creating this environment takes trust which is gained by leading by example, setting standards and holding people accountable. To set these environments leaders must understand what motivates the people they lead. People are motivated by different styles and a leader must understand the individuals needs and tend to those needs. Leade rship is dynamic and a good leader changes to meet these

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Communism And Its Effect On Society - 955 Words

Man has sought out the perfect form to administer government action and beliefs.. They came up with the idea of Capitalism. Others found that those who were divine should rule. Others sought after a government that offered programs and reforms to the populous and called in socialism. Some thought about having the church run the government, but the theory that many people strive to accomplish is communism. Communism has been tried again and again. The only difference was the people leading the revolutions. The theory to run a government known as communism has been around since the 1840s. This form of government seems great on paper, but fall through after time has past and the government is able to establish itself. Just like a coin, communism has two sides to it. The one side is the idea that everyone is truly equal and their is no class difference at all. While the other side is that almost everyone is equal. Karl Marx who thought of the theory believed that this form of government was the best form of government and explained it in his book the Communist Manifesto. While the british author George Orwell s sought against this form of government because he saw what happened when communism becomes the part of the government.. In his novel â€Å"1984† even though it s a fictional world he demonstrates what communism turns into. He shows that it always turn into an oppressive dictatorship or oligarchy. Karl Marx was born May 5, 1818 in Germany and passed away at the age of sixtyShow MoreRelatedCommunism And Its Effects On Society1307 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history, people have pushed for it, fought to get rid of it, and started wars over communism. In its theory, Communism is a moneyless, stateless, and classless dream of society to develop a utopia. Under communism, there is no private property as there is today. Instead communists believe in a form of personal property that is determined by use of an object (as opposed to ideal ownership). An example to use is a house. If you eat, sleep, and just generally live in a house, that houseRead MoreCommunism And Its Effect On Society1554 Words   |  7 Pagesdue to his opinionated behaviour. I understood that he wants to be a hero but sometimes I wonder if he’ll ever learn when to draw the line on when it’s enough. â€Å"Sooner or later, you’re going to learn when to grow up and be a respectful member of society. I’m not sorry it had to end this way Durdin, you brought this upon yourself.† One of the soldiers who dragged Caleb onto stage begun aggressively shouting at him and soon made his way towards the edge of the stage. â€Å"Good afternoon loyal citizensRead MoreCommunism Of The Vietnam War And The Cold War1181 Words   |  5 PagesCommunism is an ideology that has a very long history more than one-third of the globe. This ideology is followed by Russia, Cuba, Laos, China, North Korea, and Vietnam. This ideology is the source of many revolutions and conflicts throughout the history likes the English Civil War, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Korea War and the Cold War. However, what makes Communism different from other ideologies is its origin, its policy, and its effects on the poor and the working class. CommunismRead MoreAustralias Involvement in the Vietnam War Essay978 Words   |  4 Pagesresult of a combined fear of communism and the fall of freedom from danger in Australian democracy and society. The growing web of communism saw the fall of many countries closing in on Australia and New Zealand, and it was believed Robert Menzies’ government that they would find communism at Australia’s shores. Australians were anti-communist during the Vietnam War; due to a level of hype that the society, the media, and the government were exposed to. The â€Å"domino effect† was a popular analogy duringRead MoreThe Collapse of Communism in the USSR, Central, and Eastern Europe1102 Words   |  4 PagesThe collapse of communism in the USSR and Central and Eastern Europe Before we move on to our essay on to analyse The Collapse of Communism in USSR and Central and Eastern Europe and the reasons behind its collapse, we should discuss and understand the definition of Communism. â€Å" Communism is a social system in which all the resources, economic activities are owned by state or country. † It is a system in which wealth is dispersed equally among the people and there is no private ownership ofRead MoreEssay on The Failure of Communism1655 Words   |  7 PagesThe failure of communism Communist had a long history during the 20th century, and communism was very influential. Almost all of Asia and East Europe became Communist. From the start of the theory then many civil wars in Russia affected the whole world. Communist defined the idea of itself in many different ways, it helps many nations came together formed a party fought wars, but it also made many countries became really poor, and the economy in most of the countries got pushed back about 10 yearsRead MoreWealth and Poverty: A Study on Communism and the Communist Manifesto1647 Words   |  7 PagesCommunism. The word sparks dread in the hearts of many Americans raised during the Cold War. What seems to be the basis for a potential utopian society in theory, so far has never, in practice, realized the desires of its institutors. Perhaps the reason communism has never been successful in effect lies in its most basic foundations. After all, a house, as most Texans can attest to, no matter how finely built, cannot stand careful scrutiny for cracks if its foundation is built on shifting soilRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm1360 Words   |  6 Pagesquestion whether the type of government, communism, is feasible in a community without leading to a type of dictatorship or totalitarianism. Orwell presents the idea that communism is a good idea in theory, but it always leads to corruption by the people who take power. The author presents the novel as an entertaining fable featuring an animal revolution; however, beneath this storyline Orwell utilizes literary devices, characters, and events to prove how communism is not idealistic in a real scenarioRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was The War Essay1611 Words   |  7 Pageswere bullying South Vietnam, trying to make them a communist. Most of society will not stand up for the weaker person in a bully situation. The United States is not most of society; they believe you mess with someone your own size. Many people have different views on the Vi etnam War: was the war necessary, was the war worth all the sacrifices of American troops lives, what was the United States moral obligation to oppose communism, and what ethics did the Presidents of the United States abide by whenRead MoreThe Time Period Of The Cold War1387 Words   |  6 PagesCold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism historian Stephen Ambrose commented. This paradigm shift is evident in the texts from the era, and by studying them we come to understand the values and atmosphere of the time and the effect those values had on the texts. The Cold War began after the end of World War II, after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States of America; that continued until the early 90s with the dissolving of the Soviet Union. The two

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Scenes Management Leadership Styles - 1517 Words

When evaluating big businesses large and small, the thoughts that entertain any average person’s mind is how that business soared to the heights it is at now? Many different answers can be considered when addressing an answer to that question which could be acquisition, increase in revenues, and joint operation between two companies or even high talent retention/acquisition. When looking to address that question bit deeper we have to look more behind the scenes management leadership styles. A leader when we think about it is someone with significant authority and/or influence to invoke change and also motivate workers to produce the highest quality work output. This paper will be addressing my leader â€Å"Michael Sacco† who is President of Seafarers International Union an employer from the subsequent past. This paper will attempt to describe him by applying either one or more than one of the various types of leadership styles. Questions that will be addressed are how Mr. Sacco address diversity within the union did, was he ethical, concern about how the organization impacted the consumer, and his leader values. Other topics that will be presented are the lifecycle stage Seafarers International Union (SIU) was at the during Marcus tenure there, what did Mr. Sacco do to enhance the culture and/or destroy it during that tenure. The first point to address is how Mr. Sacco handled diversity within Seafarers International Union. I think as a union President Mr. Sacco did very wellShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Leadership Skills Of A Steward935 Words   |  4 PagesDeveloping Leadership Skills in Healthcare Mackenzie Stroud Kaplan University After taking the â€Å"leadership style† questionnaire, I discovered that my result was Steward. According to Murphy (2016),†Stewards are the rocks of organizations. They’re dependable, loyal and helpful, and they provide a stabilizing and calming force for their employees†. When working for someone that has the leadership style of a steward, you get the chance to work for a well put together team. Often stewards haveRead MoreNorma Rae Leadership1614 Words   |  7 Pagesfearful for her familys health and becomes aware of a labor organizer trying to bring the union to the mill. Norma decides to join forces with the union organizer, Reuben Warshosky. Management saw her as a threat and ordered her out of the mill, but not before she inspired the mill workers. It is greatt leadership that finally brings the mill workers together and they vote in and start a branch of the Textile Workers Union of America. The film is a real testament to the transformation of a n oppressedRead MoreThe Internship : Climb Aboard The Internet Ship Essay1733 Words   |  7 Pageswill get jobs at Google. Management Leadership Leadership vs. Management – A manager is appointed in a particular position within the business, while a leader will influence people to do what the situation needs/demands. A manager has formal power while a leader has informal power. Sound Leadership - Is the ability to; encourage others, takes initiative, Plan, make decisions and guide people. Leadership/Management styles – Leadership/management style can be defined as way in which theRead MoreCase Study : The Margin Call 1049 Words   |  5 Pagesto solve the firm’s crisis. It was decided that Leadership (Chapter 9) and Decision Making (Chapter 11) would be used to relate to the film. The Leadership (Chapter 9) will help better explain the forms of leadership tactics used to motivate the employees get through this difficult phase. More specifically, the use of Strategic Leadership that was used by John Tuld, the executive manager of the company by executing the traits associated with leadership (i.e intelligence, self-confidence, emotionalRead MoreLeadership in Invictus1722 Words   |  7 Pageshe sees The World Cup as an attempt to bring the whites and blacks together by finding pride in their home team’s victory. Mandela is successful at transforming the beliefs of South Africa through his styles of democratic leadership, transformational leaders hip, and interpersonal orientation leadership. First, Mandela idealized influence by working well with all kinds of people of different race. He displays amazing charisma with others and he possesses an extremely high standard on the SpringboksRead MoreThe Internship Is A Comedy Directed By Shawn Levy1475 Words   |  6 Pagesworked for management who became their team leader. The team did not get along well because of cultural diversity however when Billy and Nick inspired them to work together they were able to succeed and complete the tasks well which they ended up winning but the last challenge had a few misaps however they got through that and they won the competition because they had googliness and they were given full time employment at google. â€Æ' Management and leadership There are a lot of different scenes that showRead MoreLeadership As An Organization Directly Impacts The Employees And Business1186 Words   |  5 PagesHaving effective leadership in an organization directly impacts the employees and business. A leader is a person who can bring a group of people together in an effective manner to complete a specific task and or goal. I feel that good leadership is that backbone of an organization. In my professional life I have worked with a variety of mangers that were very different in there approach in management. With the different styles of leading a group or individual it can at times be effective andRead MoreTwelve OClock High1606 Words   |  7 PagesTwelve O’clock High Leadership and Management styles have played an important role in the learning in Outcome Assessment and Quality Management. In class I have learned the positives and negatives that come from the different leadership styles presented. The movie, Twelve O’clock High, is a film that takes place in 1943 outside Nazi Germany. It depicts the 918th Bomb Group and the problems that they are having. Throughout the movie we are presented with multiple leadership styles from the commandingRead MoreDemocratic Leadership : Advance Practise Nursing977 Words   |  4 PagesDemocratic Leadership In Advance Practise Nursing Seynor Massalee Kennedy South University Democratic Leadership In Advance Practise Nursing Professional leadership comprises of mentoring, empowering and participating actively in organizations. The APN, as an effective leader should be able to collaborate with team members, mentored and be mentor and provide empowerment (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, O’Grady, 2014). Authoritarian, Democratic and Delegative are the three styles of leadershipsRead MoreLeadership Styles Of Starwood Hotels1617 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership Styles Within Starwood A customer contact center (CCC), is a dynamic, diverse and powerful support component, working behind the scenes for Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. Starwood is a fully integrated owner, operator and franchisor of hotels, resorts and residences, including a vacation ownership segment (, n.d.). Their hotel brands include: Westin, Sheraton, W Hotels, Aloft, Element, LeMeridien, Four Points by Sheraton, The Luxury Collection and

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Spirometry free essay sample

?Spirometry is a diagnostic pulmonary function test. Relatively easy to perform, for both the patient and the clinician, Spirometry testing is noninvasive. The spirometry tests measure lung volumes. There are many reasons spirometry testing is done. Most common would be to assess lung function in disease process, but studies are also done in exercise testing for lung capacity and expenditure of oxygen. Speech Language Pathologists are also concerned with Spirometry testing. The lungs are the power house of speech; therefore in assessing speech disorders, it is necessary to understand lung volumes and their role in speech production. Physicians such as lung specialists, or Pulmonologists, perform lung function studies to assess and diagnose a variety of patient conditions. The most common is COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute page, on the NIH website, COPD is 3rd leading cause of death. COPD should be considered with any adult that exhibits shortness of breath. We will write a custom essay sample on Spirometry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Other disease processes that Spirometry is useful for: to diagnose and manage asthma, assess impairment in occupational asthma, to differentiate between obstructive and restrictive airway disease, pre-operation assessment for anesthesia administration. Also, spirometry testing is useful to follow lung disease history, and assess response to lung treatments. Pulmonary testing and equipment has seen much technological advancement through centuries, since the first known test of this kind was performed around 200 A. D. , by a Greek physician, Claudius Galen. He used an animal bladder to perform his experiments. Today Spirometry equipment is accurate computerized technology, can be portable, while specialized tests like Plethysmograph, is done inside a closed chamber. The computer software reads the results, records the information on a graph. The apparatus consists of a mouthpiece that the patient will breathe into, connected to a hose that is attached to the computer. Inside the mouthpiece and hose there are sensors that allow the flow of air inhaled and exhaled to be measured. The mouthpiece is disposable for infection control purposes. A nose piece must be utilized; to clamp off the nares and insure that all air inspired or expired is coming through the mouth. Basic spirometry allows the air volume that enters and exits the lungs, along with the rate and force of the exchange to be measured. Normal lung volumes for gender have been established and the test results are compared to these baselines. Before the procedure, basic information about the patient will be assessed, such as height, weight, medical history, and a careful respiratory history, along with respiratory medications. Assessment of medications is important, as some medications will need to be withheld prior to the testing. In other tests, such as the Post Bronchodilator Test, a medication is going to be administered to achieve the results needed. The test is always performed with the patient sitting down, with safety in mind, as the inspiration and forced expiration can cause a patient to faint. Education on test procedure, and why test is being performed is important for the patient prior to testing, because Spirometry relies on patient compliance for complete and accurate results. Also, complete education can prevent typical errors, such as not exhaling to max capacity, taking an extra breathe, or air leak around lips. Spirometry testing is limited to those patients that can understand and follow the instructions, young children that cannot follow the directions, and patients with altered consciousness are unable to perform this type of test. A Speech Language Pathologist will be concerned with client respiratory status in performing assessments for speech and voice disorders. It is important to know when a referral for pulmonary function testing would be necessary, in order to allow the client the most positive outcome with speech and voice therapy. Vital to speech, is the power of the lungs, inspiration and expiration are necessary for the vocal folds to vibrate and produce sound. A clients inability to adequately fill the lungs and will result in poor expiratory quality, affecting the sound produced. A breathy voice or low pitch could be due to lung dysfunction or disease process. Breathing technique can be taught to improve sound quality. Overall health improvement found through diagnosis and treatment of lung disorders can assist the client in voice production. Incentive Spirometry is related to Spirometry testing, loosely. Incentive Spirometry is a breathing exercise tool that can assist the client in gaining more breathing power to improve speech. A simple apparatus, the Incentive Spirometer is a clear plastic device, with an attached hose and mouth piece. The cylindrical body of the Incentive Spirometer is marked with gradient volumes, and a baffle inside moves when air is drawn out, indicating the volume inspired. The process is simple: the mouthpiece is fitted inside the lips, the patient takes a breath in and holds it for several seconds, and then gently releases the breath. This process is repeated several times, generally ever hour or two for the prescribed time period. This exercise can be recommended by the Speech Language Pathologist to assist the patient in building breath quality for speech.